
Toby has been diagnosed with MDS, a form of leukemia. Due to medical treatments she developed alopecia. NHF was able to provide her with her very own custom wig unit that mirror the fabulous look she was used to having before her hair loss.
Toby continue to let your light shine that all people can see you Fight, Beautiful and Strong.

Donna has been fighting alopecia for over 10 years due to her diagnosis of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome”CRPS. This illness also led to Cellulitis/Lymphedema, Arthritis. Due to these conditions and medication that only relieve the pain, Donna developed alopecia areata.
Niomi’s Heart Foundation was moved by Donna’s story and was able to gift her with her very own beautiful custom wig.
Continue to show your inner beauty so you can Fight Beautiful & Strong.

Alopecia is a form of hair loss that occurs in both children and adults, and has many different causes. Alopecia can affect the scalp or the entire body and may cause temporary or permanent damage to the hair follicles. Niomi’s Heart understands that people living with alopecia often experience confusion, sadness, embarrassment, anger, fear, and many other emotions due to the loss of their hair. Our goal is to partner with friends, caregivers and/or parents as they help loved ones cope with hair loss. As families provide emotional and physical support, Niomi’s Heart will provide recipients with wigs to help them overcome emotional challenges and to aid in Fighting “Beautiful and Strong.”